ガイドライン対訳 3.2.1 許容される行為 (iv) Walletの扱い

(訳注 許容されること、の欄なのに許容されないことが含まれています。気をつけてください)

(訳注 Appleが提供しているものを、想定している以外の方法で使うとリジェクトされるというのは基本ルールです)

(iv) Wallet passes can be used to make or receive payments, transmit offers, or offer identification (such as movie tickets, coupons, and VIP credentials). Other uses may result in the rejection of the app and the revocation of Wallet credentials.

“ガイドライン対訳 3.2.1 許容される行為 (iv) Walletの扱い” の続きを読む

ガイドライン対訳 3.2.1 許容される行為 (iii) レンタルコンテンツは期限を設けても良い

(訳注 期限を設けられるのはレンタルコンテンツのみ、ということだと思います。)

(iii) Disabling access to specific approved rental content (e.g. films, television programs, music, books) after the rental period has expired;
all other items and services may not expire.

“ガイドライン対訳 3.2.1 許容される行為 (iii) レンタルコンテンツは期限を設けても良い” の続きを読む

ガイドライン対訳 3.2.1 許容される行為 (ii) 他社製アプリの表示と推奨

(訳注 ちょっと実例が見つけられませんでした)

(ii) Displaying or recommending a collection of third party apps that are designed for a specific approved need (e.g. health management, aviation, accessibility). Your app should provide robust editorial content so that it doesn’t seem like a mere storefront.

“ガイドライン対訳 3.2.1 許容される行為 (ii) 他社製アプリの表示と推奨” の続きを読む

ガイドライン対訳 3.2.1 許容される行為 (i) 自分のアプリは宣伝OK


3.2.1 Acceptable
(i) Displaying your own apps for purchase or promotion within your app, provided the app is not merely a catalog of your apps.

“ガイドライン対訳 3.2.1 許容される行為 (i) 自分のアプリは宣伝OK” の続きを読む

ガイドライン対訳 3.2 その他のビジネスモデルについて


3.2 Other Business Model Issues
The lists below are not exhaustive, and your submission may trigger a change or update to our policies, but here are some additional do’s and don’ts to keep in mind:

“ガイドライン対訳 3.2 その他のビジネスモデルについて” の続きを読む

ガイドライン対訳 3.1.7 広告


3.1.7 Advertising:
Ads displayed in an app must be appropriate for the app’s age rating, allow the user to see all information used to target them for that ad (without requiring the user to leave the app), and may not engage in targeted or behavioral advertising based on sensitive user data such as health/medical data (e.g. from the HealthKit APIs), school and classroom data (e.g. from ClassKit), or from kids (e.g. from apps in the Kids Category), etc. Interstitial ads or ads that interrupt or block the user experience must clearly indicate that they are an ad, must not manipulate or trick users into tapping into them, and must provide easily accessible and visible close/skip buttons large enough for people to easily dismiss the ad.

“ガイドライン対訳 3.1.7 広告” の続きを読む

ガイドライン対訳 3.1.6 Apple Payを使うアプリ

Apple Payで決済するアプリでは事前に商品情報をすべて見せること。

3.1.6 Apple Pay:
Apps using Apple Pay must provide all material purchase information to the user prior to sale of any good or service and must use Apple Pay branding and user interface elements correctly, as described in the Apple Pay Identity Guidelines and Human Interface Guidelines.
Apps using Apple Pay to offer recurring payments must, at a minimum, disclose the following information:

The length of the renewal term and the fact that it will continue until canceled

What will be provided during each period

The actual charges that will be billed to the customer

How to cancel

“ガイドライン対訳 3.1.6 Apple Payを使うアプリ” の続きを読む

ガイドライン対訳 3.1.5(v) 対価として仮想通貨を発行してはダメ


(v) Cryptocurrency apps may not offer currency for completing tasks, such as downloading other apps, encouraging other users to download, posting to social networks, etc.

“ガイドライン対訳 3.1.5(v) 対価として仮想通貨を発行してはダメ” の続きを読む

ガイドライン対訳 3.1.5(iv)ICO イニシャルコインオファリング



(iv) Initial Coin Offerings:
Apps facilitating Initial Coin Offerings (“ICOs”), cryptocurrency futures trading, and other crypto-securities or quasi-securities trading must come from established banks, securities firms, futures commission merchants (“FCM”), or other approved financial institutions and must comply with all applicable law.

“ガイドライン対訳 3.1.5(iv)ICO イニシャルコインオファリング” の続きを読む

ガイドライン対訳 3.1.5(b)暗号通貨 (iii)取引


(iii) Exchanges:
Apps may facilitate transactions or transmissions of cryptocurrency on an approved exchange, provided they are offered by the exchange itself.

“ガイドライン対訳 3.1.5(b)暗号通貨 (iii)取引” の続きを読む