ガイドライン対訳 2.3.8 すべてのメタデータは4歳向け


子供用 という言葉は、 キッズカテゴリーのアプリにしか使えないので注意。
(訳注 使いたければ、キッズカテゴリーのガイドラインを満たして、キッズカテゴリーで出せ、ってことだと思います。)


2.3.8 Metadata should be appropriate for all audiences,
so make sure your app and in-app purchase icons, screenshots, and previews adhere to a 4+ age rating even if your app is rated higher.
For example, if your app is a game that includes violence, select images that don’t depict a gruesome death or a gun pointed at a specific character.
Use of terms like “For Kids” and “For Children” in app metadata is reserved for the Kids Category.
Remember to ensure your metadata, including app name and icons (small, large, Apple Watch app, alternate icons, etc.), are similar to avoid creating confusion.

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